Soft Materials

3D printing technology enables the production of lost-wax casted soft silicone pumps, which are driven by combustion and can be used to build soft motors (e.g., an artificial heart) and soft robots. Other projects include the development of bio-inspired self-defending materials and sustainable air purification techniques.


Self-defending Foil

Enlarged view: selfdefsurf

Contact: Prof. Wendelin Stark

The sophisticated defence mechanism of the bombardier beetle inspired us to develop a self-defending surface. Compounds, namely hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and manganese oxide (MnO2), are stored in different layers within the surface. Upon fracture by a mechanical trigger, the compounds mix and hot foam leaks the surface. As an application we proposed the implementation in money security systems as in ATMs by adding a dye and forensic DNA nanoparticles. An improper opening of the money cassette would lead to coloured and devalued money bills, which are labelled and can be assigned to the related ATM machine.

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Sustainable Air Purification

Enlarged view: airreg

Contact: Prof. Wendelin Stark

Everyone is happy when he or she can breathe clean and safe air. Something that is obvious in developed countries can be a cost and energy intensive challenge elsewhere. Even in developed countries huge savings can be made in air purification. Instead of replacing indoor air several times per hour we seek for sustainable strategies to remove air pollutants and regenerate in situ the used air purifier. To allow market relevant solutions, we combine established technologies and materials to new concepts.

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