Interview with Prof. Wendelin Stark for AZoM.com
Prof. Wendelin Stark gave an interview on the process of creating biocompatible yarn from animal by-products. The interview was done by the material information source AZoM.com.
Best Presentation Award for Daniela Paunescu-Bluhm
![Daniela Paunescu-Bluhm](/news-and-events/fml-news/2015/12/best-presentation-award-for-daniela-paunescu-bluhm/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.1110222326.jpg)
Daniela Paunescu-Bluhm received the "Best Presentation Award" for her talk on "Synthetic DNA Fossils Used for Individual Nanoparticle Counting" at the Fall meeting of the MRS in Boston, USA.
FML Membrane Technology presented @ ETH Day
![ETH Tag](/news-and-events/fml-news/2015/12/fml-membrane-technology-presented--eth-day/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.1410004805.jpg)
The template technology to produce porous membranes and its recent product DrinkPure got presented at the ETH Day. See here for the video impression.
Robert Grass in 'The Genius Behind' on BBC
![The genius behind](/news-and-events/fml-news/2015/11/robert-grass-in-the-genius-behind-bbc/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.774226976.jpg)
BBC has dedicated one issue of its portrait film series 'The Genius Behind' to Dr. Robert Grass and Reinhard Heckel and their research about long-term storage of information on DNA in silica particles. Additionally, their research got featured in 'nano', a science program of the German/Swiss TV channel 3sat.
Silica-DNA particles as data storage, on Deutschlandradio Kultur
![Data storage](/news-and-events/fml-news/2015/10/silica-dna-particles-as-data-storage-on-deutschlandradio-kultur/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.930351324.jpg)
Robert Grass explains data storage in Silica-DNA particles on Deutschlandradio Kultur.
Video to ACS Nano publication about counting nanoparticles
![Dani Youtube](/news-and-events/fml-news/2015/09/video-to-acs-nano-publication-about-counting-nanoparticles/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.218812846.jpg)
Daniela Paunescu describes the novel method they created for indirectly counting nanoparticles, which is sensitive enough to count individual particles.
DNA as data storage, presented at "Zmittagslabor" in Zurich
Dr. Robert Grass got invited by the W.I.R.E. Think Tank to present novel findings about storing large amounts of data with DNA. This event takes place on October 20th between 12:15 and 12:45 pm, Cabaret Voltaire, Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zurich.
Gelatine Fibers on Radio Deutschlandfunk
The interest in using gelatine as a fiber material still increases. Philipp Stössel got interviewd by another German radio station.
Single nanoparticle identification method selected as ACS Editors Choice
The article about single nanoparticle identifcation by Daniela Paunsecu et al. got selected as Editors Choice by ACS.
ACS press conference about storing digital information with DNA
Dr. Robert Grass gave a press conference about storing digital information with DNA at the ACS. See the Youtube video of the entire conference here.